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Marquee-style arch Proscenium logo and T-Mobile logo on a plum-colored brick wall background.

T-Mobile pride tour

Not only are we proud of our award-winning work with T-Mobile this year, we’re floating! Our Pride partnership with the company continues to expand, as this year we designed and implemented T-Mobile’s Pride floats in Dallas, Kansas City, and Seattle. We also produced fabulous festival activation areas, complete with free air-brushing, live DJs, and even an impactful pledge wall that provided attendees a chance to consider how they can use their strength for their communities.

To take it over the top and add even more sparkle to this year’s Pride events, we featured spectacular magenta-fied drag performers, including Nyomi Rose, Miss Daisy Bucket and the ICONIC Miss Vanjie. And at Dallas Pride, out of 140 entries, our work won us the accolade of BEST OVERALL! T-Mobile’s mission is to amplify throughout each city that we’re STRONGER TOGETHER, and we delivered. We are proud out loud!

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