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WE are IT FOR the 14th year in a row!

Proscenium has made Event Marketer's IT List again!

And it got us wondering…

What makes Proscenium stand out from the other 99 agencies? How would a brand know that we are the right agency for them?

Well, Proscenium was founded because we wanted to be different in several ways:

  • Provide a level of service to our clients that is unparalleled
  • Run a process that is smooth and effective
  • Produce events that get attendees to commit to the messaging of the presenters
  • Treat our staff exceptionally
  • Do the best work of our careers

In short, we care.

our four pillars

There are 4 areas where Proscenium really excels:
  • ROCK-SOLID Production
  • NEXT LEVEL Event Strategy
  • POWERFUL Content Creation

These are the pillars we use to help our clients perform.

We are so proud of the work we have done over the past 14 years, and are grateful that Event Marketer continues to recognize our achievements.

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